High Ropes Activity Centre

07955 372318 | 01825 280250

Olympic Challenge!

While all our GB champs get their beauty sleep for their final weekend in Rio, Branching Out Adventures will be holding their own Olympic Challenge! From 9am – 11am on Saturday and Sunday the 20th and 21st August we will be holding 3 sporting events for those with the determination and strength to succeed. Can you handle timed trials of the Climbing Wall, Low or High Ropes??? If so give us a call or email to book your slot for any activity on either Saturday or Sunday. Medals will be awarded both days for the quickest time on each event with the outright winners for the weekend being awarded a family ticket… now there’s a challenge you can’t resist!

The cost of entering the competition is half the normal price of the activity, so for example the climbing wall challenge will be £3 with a couple of trial climbs thrown in.The Low and High Ropes will be £7 and £8 respectively.. but no trial runs here – you’re straight in to competition!

Now, if like us you like to get a bit of a head start then come and visit us during the week for a practice, if you have entered the competition you will get a 10% discount for your practice visit. And do come early – the ropes are quieter then, and Rio is still asleep so you don’t miss any of the action!

Looking forward to seeing you all… time to limber up…!!!

Please book your activities online, and remember to check the child to adult ratios on the ropes courses for the under 12’s. All other information can be found in FAQ’s, alternatively ring or email using contact details found on the website.

Follow us on Facebook for all the great reviews and up to date footage.

Just a reminder that dogs now can only enter Branching Out via the bridleways , one of which is near  the entrance to the Bentley estate, and not through the field from our car park. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.